The number one thing that has helped me develop a healthier lifestyle regarding eating and exercise has been having a place to track my calories in and out. The best website I have found for this is SparkPeople. SparkPeople provides a wealth of information including access to articles, exercise how-to's and short exercises videos, recipes, nutrition calculators, fitness calculators and provides a social networking aspect similar to Facebook. When you join, you can create your own page reminiscent of MySpace where you can add pictures (such as before/after, progress, etc), update your status ("Just got back from Zumba!"), blog, and receive comments. Also, SP has teams you can join to meet people with similar goals or interests, competitions, and message boards.
My SparkPage
I mainly use this site to track my calories in and out and to give and receive support from other members. I have made some friends on SP, and that support really helps keep me motivated.
What keeps you motivated?
I track my calories too..it has made all the difference in losing weight!!
ReplyDeleteI am get fitt'er from FTLOB's too :)
I'll have to check this place out when I get a second! It sounds awesome. I'm not so worried about numbers...I'd love to get in better shape overall.
ReplyDeleteHi!! Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words on both blog posts! I love this post here you have. Tracking calories is GREAT actually--especially if you have failed in attempts before. I am not a calorie counter myself, but I have a decent grasp of my intake thru the day.
ReplyDeleteI hope my blog can give you some more pointers!!!
talk soon!